Ocean Trauma Recovery

Healing is Possible with Support
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"Enlightenment Is When A Wave Realizes It Is The Ocean"

Thich Nhat Hanh

Our Approach

Holistic Healing – From the Inside Out


Learn about how Somatic Therapy works


We bring the nervous system into balance with our safe and therapeutic practices

Stress Relief

When we remove trauma from

the body, it helps regulate

our nervous system

Connection Heals Trauma

Hope for the future

When we release stress from the body, we feel more hopeful about future possibilities!


We help you create a greater connection with self


Spark the fire of creativity, passion, and zest for life!

Somatic Therapy

How it works

A powerful connection exists between the mind and the body. For every feeling or thought, there is a corresponding reaction from the body. So when an individual experiences trauma in any form, it can create physical symptoms that also require treatment. While traditional therapy is about treating the mind – somatic therapy explores healing both the mind and body together.

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Latest Articles

Somatic Therapy For Addiction Recovery

Somatic Therapy For Addiction Recovery

There are many challenges we encounter during the different stages of our lives. Major life events can leave lasting effects on our physical and mental welfare. Whether it’s a traumatic life event like abuse or assault, a tragic life event such as the death of a loved...

Treating trauma with somatic therapy

Treating trauma with somatic therapy

There are a variety of somatic experiencing techniques available to those in need of trauma therapy. As a form of therapy, somatic experiencing is intended to relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through body sensations. It can also be used to...

Who We Have Worked With

Ready to Make a Change?

Your body holds the key to your success – we are here to help you find it.
Start on your path of healing today.